Monday, 12 October 2015

Man, this gospel rhymes are tempting.
Lets go:
See, I'm a sinner but I know the bible says everyone's welcome in the house of the lord/
If I'm not right then u betta out of the doors/
If the Word of God's a weapon then my mouth is a sword/
Mama always told me b4 she passed away/
"boy, why worry when u can pray?"/
Christ died so I can live/
matta'fact I need to put the name "Jesus' BOY" as my sig/
Every day of my life, its a brand new battle/
so much confusion like the tower of babel/
But then I call on God's name and I'm aight/
cos he shows mercy to his peoplez and sinners alike/.
From now on, my alias is Jesus' boy/
and from now on, I can share in every believer's joy/. One.


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